Erasmus+ exchange period in Lappia’s technical design studies lived up to Jocelyn Fleischer’s expectations

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Jocelyn Fleischer, German technical design student from Bildungs Werkstatt Chemnitz Vocational School, participated in a three-week-Erasmus+ exchange period in Lappia Vocational College in Tornio, Lapland.

– I chose Lappia because I had heard positive things about it from the international officer in my school. Winter in Finland is also very beautiful, Fleischer explains.

During the exchange period Fleischer created 3D-models using Inventor, a CAD-software that was familiar to her prior visiting Finland. However, Lappia’s teacher Martti Mylly guided her in the use of a completely unfamiliar software.

– On the exchange period I learned to use the Finnish building design software Vertex. All in all, the exchange period was very useful in terms of my studies and future working life because technical design is what I would like to do in the future, Fleischer says.

Technical design classroom on Tornio campus has become familiar to Jocelyn Fleischer (on the right) on her exchange period. In the picture from the left: teacher Jouko Raappana, teacher Martti Mylly and international officer Marja-Liisa Tyystälä.

Getting to know the Finnish culture and language was also part of the exchange experience. School days are longer in Germany than in Finland, and theoretical studies at school play minor role in the vocational education system in Germany. Visiting Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi and exploring the Finnish Lapland were highlights of the trip for Fleischer.

– I would recommend Lappia and Finland to my fellow students. The exchange period lived up to my expectations and wishes, she sums up.

Fleischer’s supervisor and teacher Jouko Raappana is satisfied with the exchange period.

– Jocelyn uses technical design programs fluently. It was easy for her to participate in our studies, because she had studied technical design already for three years in Germany, Raappana describes.

Co-operation between Lappia and Bildungs Werkstatt Chemnitz has already lasted for two decades. Raappana ja Mylly will receive more exchange students from Germany already in May 2024.


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Tyystälä Marja-Liisa

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Kemi, Meripuistokatu 21